10 Greatest Villain Introductions In Movie History

7. The T-800 - The Terminator

The Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger
Orion Pictures

Though they would go on to suddenly make their presence felt in the past on a number of other occasions in the years that followed, not even Arnold Schwarzenegger's bar room brawl arrival in T2: Judgment Day can top the terrifying murder bot's first-ever appearance on-screen in 1984.

After a garbage man's attempts to empty a dumpster are interrupted by a few bizarre bolts of electricity shooting around his truck, that wise fellow soon decides to vacate the area after spotting a naked monster of an apparent man crouching in the middle of the road.

But this was no mortal human: this was a T-800 sent back in time to murder Sarah Connor.

And in case that wasn't clear from that iconic visual of a clothes-less Arnie carefully analysing this point in time, the mountain of muscle's first interaction with the people of 1984 swiftly let you know what this killing machine was all about.

Mimicking the cocky punks who rudely welcome him to this decade with an unnerving blank expression on his face, this no-nonsense titan soon makes light work of the gang, shrugging off a knife attack and punching a literal hole through the sack of meat holding the clothing he desired.

This bot meant business.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...