10 Greatest Villains From Otherwise Disappointing Movies

9. Jigsaw - Saw

Bison Street Fighter
Lionsgate Films

The Disappointing Movie: Although the first film was fairly enjoyable, the sequels placed a bigger emphasis on graphic horrors than character development, quickly devolving into a sequence of torture-like deathtraps with little in the way of satisfying plot.

The Great Villain: There’s something to be said for how horrifying this completely non-threatening old man was. Throughout the series, Jigsaw spends his time confined to a wheelchair, pretending to be dead, and then actually being dead, and yet somehow he’s always manipulating everything.

As an engineer with cancer and a history of familial tragedy, John Kramer decides that people need to see the value in life. He put all of his intellect into his complex death traps that remained the calling card for his character and the series as a whole.

His methodical approach is fascinating, since it’s arguable that he doesn’t actually kill anyone, they kill themselves. Furthermore, the psychology behind this thinking is twisted but understandable since Jigsaw truly believes that he’s helping people. This is so convincing because in certain cases, he really does re-invigorate people’s lives, making his character chillingly complex as a result.

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Raul Julia
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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.