10 Greatest Villains From Otherwise Disappointing Movies

8. Ava Lord - Sin City: A Dame To Kill For

Bison Street Fighter

The Disappointing Movie: A string of forgettable short stories and lacklustre visuals make this sequel a pale comparison to its groundbreaking predecessor.

The Great Villain: Seemingly ever since Casino Royale, Eva Green has become the go-to actress to play femme fatales. It's apparent why that's the case, since she’s got the beautiful look, the sultry voice, and the twinge of evil down to a science. Nowhere is that combination more apparent than in this film.

Ava Lord embodies a sort of irresistible evil. Even though Dwight knows he shouldn’t go back to her, it’s as if he can’t stop himself. She’s so convincingly manipulative that she spends the whole movie basically tricking her ex-lover into helping her steal money for her current one, unbeknownst to either man.

The entire movie seems to exist solely to showcase Green’s performance as Ava. The irony is that the first film succeeded largely because of its terrific ensemble, where no story reigned superior. In this instance, the strength of her character makes the entire rest of the film pale in comparison.

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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.