10 Happy Movie Endings That Probably Had Horrific Consequences

6. Um, What About The Dooming Levels Of Debris? - Independence Day (1996)

url-4Independence Day is not a movie that holds up to close scrutiny, and that's mainly because it's directed by Roland Emmerich, and because it stars Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum as a close-knit team of alien killers. The ending of the movie sees Jeff Goldblum creating a virus to unleash upon the alien mothership, which is hovering in space just outside of Earth's orbit. Somehow this works (nobody knows how or why), and the day is saved. Yay for Windows '95, right? Except it's not. Like, not at all. First things first: the alien mothership is 500 miles in length. That's not too far off from the size of Texas. And that thing just exploded, right? Can you imagine the amount of debris that will be hurtling towards the planet as a result of that explosion? Oh, don't worry about that, you say. A little bit of debris will burn up in the atmosphere, won't it? Well, the smaller bits might, sure, but anything larger than a 20-story building has enough explosive power to destroy an entire city. And if a piece of the mothership even close to a mile in length came calling, that's it: the end of the world. Say we got lucky, though, and all that debris somehow missed the Earth. Happy ending, right? Nope. We've still got to deal with the fact that there are, like, hundreds of other 15-mile long ships positioned around the globe in iconic locations. When they crash land, you can say goodbye to London, Paris, Moscow, New York... The likelihood, in fact, is that actually destroying the aliens will have caused even more destruction and chaos than anything they might've ever brought upon humanity. Nice one, guys. You doomed us all.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.