10 Harsh Realities That Completely Ruin Classic Film Happy Endings

9. The Truman Show €“- Not A Minute To Himself

The Truman Show
Paramount Pictures

The Happy Ending

Having discovered that the world he grew up in is a manufactured reality TV programme, Truman decides to leave his perfect, but captive life behind and heads out into the real world, where free will flows freely down the streets, which are paved with good fortune and happiness. Or something.

The Harsh Reality

Within his bubble world, Truman was blissfully unaware of the cameras charting his every move. They barely intruded on his life at all, other than directing how it went and manipulating his decisions - the things he tries to leave behind to make his own choices and live away from the cameras when he escapes. But hang on - Truman is basically the most famous man in America.

There's no way he's going to be able to live his life without severe interference, and constant, depressing media hounding. And the cameras won't keep their distance like they did within the studio, nor will the paparazzi who will make sure Truman's life is forever ruined. Good choice.


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