10 HATED Horror Movies That Are Awesome Now

5. Children Of The Corn (1984)

the burning screaming man
Hal Roach Studios

Another cult classic, the Stephen King Adaptation Children of the Corn was initially met with lukewarm reviews at best.

People called it boring, stupid, one Rotten Tomatoes reviewer even called it a 'kiddie thriller that runs in circles'. I don't think any Stephen King material is particularly child-friendly, never mind a film in which a bunch of kids overrun their town and murder everyone.

The film, I will admit, was victim to the limitations of budgetary restraints. Had there been more money there maybe could've been more gore, more ridiculous monster effects and such. For what it is though, it's nowhere near a terrible film. It's very quoteable, easy to follow and runs on a premise that is engaging and scary. Murderous kids are scary!

For the most part, Stephen King's adaptations have only gotten better with age as we all go easier on the filmmakers of the time. They didn't have millions of dollars to pour into CGI and big stars most of the time, and considering we still got classics like It, Children of the Corn and Carrie we really should be thankful.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.