10 Hated Movie Moments That Aren't As Bad As You Think

2. Trevor Slattery - Iron Man 3

The Hated Scene: After much umming and ahhing about whether an inherently fantastical villain with some rather racially insensitive traits would fit in the Iron Man film series, The Mandarin finally made his on-screen bow in Shane Black's Iron Man 3. Or at least that's what we thought. After an blanket marketing campaign trumpeting Ben Kingsley's turn as the iconic villain (this time with a more Bin Laden-esque look), it was ultimately revealed the whole thing was a con, with Kingsley actually playing Trevor Slattery, an English actor, who was posing as the supervillain as part of Aldrich Killian's Extremis plot. Fans weren't happy. Why It's Not So Bad: We can understand why die-hard Iron Man fans were a little peeved, but unless you've been an obsessive of the previously B-List hero since before he became a big screen smash surely you can see the funny side? Just about everyone in the world was duped by Marvel's bait-and-switch and taking it as a film alone it's hilarious. Kingsley does both sides of the role (maniacal terrorist and clueless buffoon) brilliantly and it sees Tony Stark finally go on an adventure that isn't as by-the-numbers as his first two outings. And if you are still reeling from the reveal, Marvel One-Shot All Hail The King reveals there is actually a real Mandarin out there who's not best pleased with Trevor, so there's no need to be too wound up.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.