10 Heart-Breaking Moments Of Self-Realisation That Defined Great Movies

6. The Sixth Sense - SPOILER ALERT!

The Sixth Sense Ending
Buena Vista Pictures

It still counts as probably the greatest movie twist of all time, beating the Monkey Earth revelation of Planet Of The Apes and the shocking discovery that Adam Sandler is capable of actually acting into second and third place respectively, and The Sixth Sense's climactic revelation also counts as one of cinema's finest self-realisation moments.

Aside from the fact that the twists asks a few more questions than it answers - such as how the Hell Bruce Willis know where and when to go on his "date" with his wife on their anniversary without communication, and why didn't the kid tell Bruce about the blood patch on him that he surely couldn't have missed since he seems able to spot all dead people up to that point - the moment when Bruce realises that he was killed by one of New Kids On The Block is hugely emotional, and it utterly changes the film in retrospect.

As it dawns on him, it isn't just the realisation that he has died that carries the emotional impact, but also, perhaps more tragically that his wife has had to deal with it, and he has basically been a massive jerk to her about it, imagining she's having an affair, and that she refuses his attempts to fix their relationship.

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