10 Heart-Breaking Moments Of Self-Realisation That Defined Great Movies

5. Toy Story 3 - Time Is Up

Toy Story 3 Deaths

The entire Toy Story series is driven by the ominous message that at some point, the toys will outlive their usefulness to Andy, which is even more tragic considering their reason for being is to be Andy's toys. They need him as much as he needs them, and every peril that occurs in the films boils down to the singular threat of being taken away from their owner.

So, when Toy Story 3 came along, and Andy had officially outgrown his toys, the teary scenes were never going to be too far away. The climactic sequence in the incinerator is arguably Pixar's finest achievement outside of the opening sequence of Up, and the moment when the toys realise they are going to die, and stop struggling to hold hands is devastating for anyone, let alone any kids watching.

The pin-prick that resonates the most is Woody's acceptance, after three movies of insisting Andy would always be there, and there's no need for the fire to even take the toys for the scene to be utterly devastating.

Ultimately, the toys are rescued by the most unlikely of allies when the aliens subvert their very existence by commissioning the dump crane and expertly lifting Woody and Co to safety, but that doesn't really change the impact of the moment.

In all honesty, the revelation that the toys will probably have to live through the same essentially tragic events again when Bonnie grows up is altogether more heart-breaking than if they had just been burned into colourful puddles in the incinerator.

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