10 Heart-Breaking Pixar Backstories You Probably Missed

5. The Child Trigger - Monsters Inc

Monsters Inc

Reading between the lines of Monsters Inc, Boo€™s €œescape€ into the Monster world was not the first €œdisaster€ to hit Monstropolis.

Despite the comical reaction of some of the residents who embellish their stories to seem more interesting and offer tales of laser-beam shooting monsters (ironically), there is some familiarity with the situation implied by the presence of the clean up teams.

That grand-scale response is finely honed, and it really gets you to thinking about what happened to trigger their existence. Something bad happened in the past to not only make monsters believe children are their enemy, but also to require the government agency.

And most importantly, what happened to the child (or children) who accidentally discovered the monster€™s world like Boo?


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