10 Heart-Breaking Pixar Backstories You Probably Missed

4. Dory'€™s Family - Finding Nemo

Dory Sad

As fans discovered Finding Dory, Dory wasn'€™t always on her own: it€™'s just the advantage of her cursed memory that she can€™'t remember who she€™s lost properly and she€™s happy enough floating through existence entertaining herself with her child-like imagination.

Except that€™s not entirely the case. With the simple, utterly disarming throwaway words: €œwhere are they?€ Dory confirms that she does know what she€™'s lost, and while it€™s almost flippantly thrown away, the implications are entirely tragic.

And even with the sequel filling in the gaps, the most devastating part is why nobody actually really looked for her.


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