10 Heinous Movie Degenerates

9. Confessions Of A Trick Baby - Sister Gomez

Freeway White Girl is a 15 year old prostitute sentenced to 25 years for a series of crimes. She is sent to a minimum security hospital for treatment for her bulimia. In there she meets Cyclona, a serial killer and they become friends and eventually, they escape the hospital together. Cyclona wants to go to Tijuana to see Sister Gomez whom she says saved her from being molested as a child. She thinks Sister Gomez can help White Girl with her bulimia. The girls set off on an adventure to get to Mexico and run into all sorts of sticky situations along the way. But eventually they get to Sister Gomez's tacky house where she prepares a roast dinner for both White Girl and Cyclona. Cyclona disappears and White Girl is forced to work for her food. In a daze, White Girl stumbles upon the basement where there are small children in a room full of bondage gear. There is blood everywhere and Cyclona is strung up in some sort of bondage device. Cyclona tells White Girl that Sister Gomez wants to fatten her up and she is killing children to use as food. White Girl finds out that Sister Gomez is the leader of a weird witch like cult that rapes and eats children and sells child porn under the guise of being a Catholic charity. Deciding to kill all of the members White Girl frees Cyclona and they go on the rampage, along the way they discover that Sister Gomez is a well endowed man who has been carrying on these heinous deeds for 100,000 years. Sister Gomez (played with gusto by Vincent Gallo) is one of the most bizarre degenerates to ever grace the silver screen and certainly commits heinous deeds in the slaughter, cannibalisation and abuse of children, not to mention child porn. The film is extraordinarily entertaining for the degenerates amongst us (count me in!). It includes many perversions and disgusting scenes. But the climactic scenes with Vincent Gallo's Sister Gomez camping it up are terrific fun and take on not just a degenerate sheen but also a supernatural edge. Great viewing for lovers of sleazy, trash cinema.

My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!