10 Heinous Movie Degenerates

6. Killer Nun - Sister Gertrude

16.05.2013Killer Nun Sister Gertrude - a nun who works as a geriatric nurse in a hospital - is recovering from brain surgery and the Mother Superior forces her to go back to work before she is really ready for it. Sister Gertrude exhibits strange degenerate behaviour. She is addicted to morphine, she inflicts vigorous exercise regimes on the poor oldies she is supposed to be looking after. She crushes an old lady's false teeth under her foot, reads gory details of the saints' demises to her charges, and she throws an old man out of the window after she spies him having sex with a nurse. Gertrude's sexual behaviour is also somewhat off kilter. She goes into town, all dolled up, to have anonymous sex with strangers. And she also initiates a lesbian affair with a fellow nun. Can Gerty be stopped from perpetrating further vile deeds? Has anyone copped onto her madness? Anita Ekland does a marvellous job in her role as Sister Gertrude, she is very believable in a role that demands a forceful personality. Her heinous acts are actually quite amusing - especially whenever she does such gratuitously evil things like crushing an old lady's false gnashers under her feet. I love the fact that Gertrude wears a face of make up in every scene - I don't think nuns are supposed to do that. The film is great fun, but the title is somewhat misleading. Gertrude does not kill a lot of people in the film despite the title and her aberrant behaviour. Possibly the most fun of her degenerate deeds is forcing her lesbian nun lover to wear silk stockings and shout out 'I am the worst kind of prostitute!'. Mmmmmmm that's good degeneracy!

My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!