10 Heinous Movie Degenerates

7. SuperVixens - Harry Sledge

Hsledge SuperAngel is a raging nympho with a nasty tongue and a bad attitude. Pissed off that her husband Clint won't come home from work to sexually satisfy her. When eventually he does get back from work, SuperAngel starts a god almighty row with him and the neighbours phone the police. Clint storms off and our sex mad shrew seduces the policeman - Harry Sledge - but alas, he cannot get an erection. SuperAngel is mega angry at this spurning of her and she aims verbal missiles in Harry's direction belittling his masculinity. She throws a glass of scotch over him and he turns around and punches her in the belly. SuperAngel falls to the ground. In a terrified state she crawls into the bathroom, locking the door and crying to Harry that she will get the police. Harry smirks and says "You've got all the police you're ever gonna need" and proceeds to try and break the bathroom door down. At first his efforts fail and SuperAngel goes back to harpy mode chiding Harry with taunts about his sexuality. This makes Harry even angrier and determined to bust down the door so he redoubles his efforts. SuperAngel puts the radio on in the bathroom and dances in a sexy fashion to the music. Eventually Harry busts the door down, grabs SuperAngel smacks her in the face, throws her in the bath and viciously stomps on her. Somehow she is still alive and she sits up in the bath, blood pouring down her face. Harry tosses the radio into the bath and electrocutes her. Harry Sledge is a heinous degenerate expertly played by Charles Napier, a character actor who excels at playing bad guys. He is such a convincing and ruthless baddie in SuperVixens he deserves widespread acclaim and recognition for his performance. The scene I described above is so appallingly nasty, it is jaw dropping stuff. Okay, SuperAngel is a bitch but nobody deserves what Harry does to her. The sequence sits uncomfortably in the film as most of the time it is a bawdy sexual cartoon but there is something compulsive about this dreadful scene. It just pulls off astonishing violence with aplomb. I think that the BBFC used this scene at a conference to prove the necessity of film censorship. Harry meets an eventual death. Just before his demise, director Russ Meyer pops in the Road Runner sound 'Meep Meep!' to emphasise the cartoonish nature of the film. Harry also looks directly into the camera and makes a gesture that acknowledges his imminent death. An amusing end for a vicious degenerate.

My first film watched was Carrie aged 2 on my dad's knee. Educated at The University of St Andrews and Trinity College Dublin. Fan of Arthouse, Exploitation, Horror, Euro Trash, Giallo, New French Extremism. Weaned at the bosom of a Russ Meyer starlet. The bleaker, artier or sleazier the better!