10 Hidden Comedy Horror Movie Gems Of The Last Decade

8. One Cut Of The Dead (2017)

One Cut Of The Dead
Third Window

Ultra-low-budget Japanese zombie comedy One Cut Of The Dead is like nothing you’ve seen before.

As the title suggests, the film (directed by Shin'ichirô Ueda) begins with a 40-minute one-shot that sees a passionate director (Takayuki Hamatsu) attempting to make a zombie film in an abandoned water sanitation plant. He’s initially unable to get his actors to perform as he’d like, but chaos erupts when actual zombies arrive on set and the filmmaker sees his chance to create his masterpiece.

The opening fully embraces its cheap, schlocky tone to make for a zany zombie romp. But this is just the start.

Soon after, an unexpected twist dramatically changes the perspective. All of which leads to a final act which recontextualises everything we’ve just seen with hilarious consequences.

To say anything else about what’s in store for viewers would spoil the experience of this wild, zombie-filled ride. Though there’s a lot more laughs and a lot less horror than other entries on this list, One Cut Of The Dead delights through its madcap creativity and weirdness.

If your appetite for zombies isn’t satisfied, a sequel titled One Cut Of The Dead Mission: Remote was released online for free in May 2020.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.