10 Hidden Details In Opening Horror Movie Scenes

7. What's On The Shelves - A Quiet Place

Slither Funeral Home
Paramount Pictures

The world of A Quiet Place is any extrovert's worst nightmare.

The planet has been decimated by bloodthirsty aliens with an acute sense of hearing, meaning that survivors are forced to live out their lives in secrecy and silence.

One family trying to stay alive in this soundless hellscape are the Abbotts; Lee, Evelyn, and their three children.

Right at the start of the movie, the Abbotts take a trip to an abandoned store in search of supplies. As you'd expect, the shelves are barren, stripped bare by people desperate for sustenance. However, even in an apocalypse, one item just can't shift units.

In one shot, we see a shelf full of foodstuff. Why has nobody taken it? Surely you can't afford to be fussy during the end times. Well, you can, because the items in question are potato chips. Crunchy, crispy, noisy potato chips.

This exquisite attention to detail not only shows how much work went into this film, but it also establishes just how deadly the antagonists are if the sound of one crisp is enough to draw them near.

Or maybe they were all just cheese and onion flavoured. Starvation is a better option than those.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.