10 Hidden Gem '80s Slasher Horror Movies

6. Terror Train

Slaughter High
20th Century Fox

Sticking with the theme of bullied young adults seeking revenge down the line for something horrible that happened to them, that 'horrible' doesn't get more twisted than what happened to Kenny Hampson in the early goings of Terror Train.

Arriving at the very start of the decade, this 1980 picture positions Kenny as your standard 'nerd' who is the butt of people's jokes. Much like Marty of Slaughter High, it's again a pretty lady utilised to lull poor Kenny in. That pretty lady is the legendary Jamie Lee Curtis, who is convinced to take Kenny to a bedroom on the promise of sex. When the lights go off and Kenny gets into bed with Curtis' Alana, he actually discovers he's cosied up to a corpse the kids have stolen from the medical department.

Rightly traumatised by this encounter, Kenny spends the next three years locked up in a psychiatric hospital before resurfacing to target his tormentors during a costume party they're holding on a train on New Year's Eve.

Part of the fun of Terror Train is the wide variety of costumes at play throughout the film's train ride, with Kenny taking on several different guises before he finally confronts Alana during the movie's finale. Sure, Terror Train is very much a product of its time, but that's kind of the point if you're looking for those underappreciated slashers of the '80s.

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Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.