10 Hidden MCU Details You Never Noticed

5. Avengers Endgame - Day Count

When we meet our heroes again in Avengers: Endgame, it's not in the most chipper of moods. Picking up just a few days after Thanos' snap from Infinity War, we see Tony Stark beaten and stranded on a spaceship with Nebula, nearly dead. Though he decides to make one last call home, there's something curious about the way he describes his journey to Pepper Potts.

Aside from some of the best acting that Robert Downey Jr. has done as Tony Stark, you hear him talking almost into the void, unsure if the love of his life is even alive at this point. Even though there's a lot of turmoil surrounding the situation, there's something curious about him talking about being stranded for a total of 22 days. While this kind of detail doesn't seem all that important, the super-vigilant will notice something about that number.

Instead of just being a placeholder, that amount of days actually corresponds to the entire MCU up until this point, with 22 movies being made if you count Endgame. This kind of thing not only speaks to the long trek it took to get here, but also to the idea that this could very well be the end for our heroes. Regardless of the numbers game, you could tell from this scene that we were going to be in for a rough ride up until the end.


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