10 High Budget Horror Movies With Terrible CGI

8. Anaconda

Mama Creature

While Anaconda maintains cult classic status amongst horror fans, it is not so beloved amongst those who need passable visual effects in order to enjoy a movie. The film follows a crazed snake hunter in pursuit of the titular titanic anaconda, who weasels his way onto a boat cruising down the Amazon River much to the misfortune of his fellow passengers.

Much like Deep Blue Sea, the sequences within Anaconda that make use of animatronic animal antagonists are absolutely spectacular, particularly when one takes into account the fact that the film was released in 1997. The film made use of two 40-foot-long robotic anacondas that weighed roughly a ton - essentially the serpentine equivalent of the titular shark in Jaws.

Anaconda's thin plot and flimsily constructed characters do not give the film much leeway to trip over its own feet, but do so it does whenever CGI is required. The sad reality is, due to the dangers of an extremely heavy robot flailing around maniacally, most of the picture's action shots are completely reliant on computer-enhanced imagery and fall dismally flat onscreen as a result. The sequences involving the snake wrapped around J-Lo and Ice Cube are particularly wince-worthy.

Despite being bestowed with a colossal budget of $45 million, Anaconda is the perfect unfortunate example of a film possessing a premise far beyond the abilities of computer imagery of the time. However, the movie is still adored by fright fans worldwide and wears its notoriously shaky graphics like a badge of honor.

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Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.