10 Highest-Grossing Movies Of 2015 (So Far) - Ranked From Worst To Best

9. Taken 3

Avengers Age Of Ultron Jurassic World
20th Century Fox

Throat-punching purveyor of bad-assery Bryan Mills returned to our screens in Taken 3, with Liam Neeson reprising the role that turned him into one of cinema's most popular action heroes. The posters for the movie promised in giant letters that 'IT ENDS HERE', which is just as well because Olivier Megaton's threequel turned out to be even worse than Taken 2.

While the first Taken was a pleasingly violent throwback to the action genre's 80's heyday, the movie turned out to be such an unexpected financial success that both sequels were neutered by the PG-13 rating that was surely only implemented to maximise profits. Taken 3 learns nothing from its disappointing predecessor, with Megaton's preference for shaky-cam rendering the action scenes largely incomprehensible, backed by lazy writing, paper-thin characters and a plot that is often just plain stupid.

While the editors do an admirable job covering the fact that Neeson looks ridiculous when he's running, Taken 3 is a massively underwhelming conclusion to the once-watchable franchise. Still, fans of the ageing Irish action icon turned out in their droves, with the movie earning over $325m at the box office despite a critical drubbing.


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