10 Highest Grossing Movies That STILL Surprise Us

4. Wonder

The Legend of Tarzan

In 2025, it's practically unthinkable for a low-budget coming-of-age drama - even one based on a hit novel - to gross more than $300 million globally, but that's precisely what Wonder did back in 2017.

The $20 million drama starring Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson, and Jacob Tremblay released to broadly positive reviews from critics, received a rare "A+" CinemaScore from general audiences, and landed an Oscar nomination for Best Makeup and Hairstyling.

Despite connecting with so many upon release, though, Wonder came and went in the blink of an eye, and on the other side of the pandemic - an era where modest dramas such as this struggled hard - it's largely been forgotten.

This is perhaps evidenced no better than by the fact that the recent Wonder spin-off film, White Bird, was a box office flop despite also receiving an "A+" CinemaScore.

It's not unfair to say that Wonder is a more unassuming project than basically every other film on this list, but all the same, it's shocking how little it's discussed today despite being a sizable hit less than a decade ago.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.