10 Highest Grossing Movies That STILL Surprise Us

3. Rio 2

The Legend of Tarzan

Rio 2 is one of those sequels you'll squint at and ask yourself, "Did I watch that? Did I even know they made that?"

Though the original 2011 animated film was hardly great, it grossed $483.8 million worldwide and was just memorable enough thanks to the spirited vocal performances from Anne Hathaway and Jesse Eisenberg as the central Spix's macaws.

Rio 2 then (apparently) came out in 2014 to wildly mixed reviews and grossed ever-so-slightly more than its predecessor, settling at a $498.8 million final cume. That said, try and find someone in your immediate social circle who knows for sure that they've seen Rio 2. Better yet, can they actually recount even a faint scrap of its plot?

This is the textbook example of a Generic Animated Sequel that's made to function as a babysitting device rather than to actually inspire creativity or curiosity in younger viewers. 

Rio 2 made half a billion dollars, but in terms of real-world pop-culture engagement? Zilch.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.