10 Highly Anticipated Movies That Just Aren't Happening

6. Kevin Smith's Ranger Danger and the Danger Rangers

Ranger DangerDescription: Kevin Smith's take on a Flash Gordon-esque mythos. That's about all we have, really. Why It's Not Happening: There's no real reason or rhyme as to why this film isn't happening. Come to think of it, this is probably one of the simplest films that isn't happening. Kevin Smith always had it on the books as a film he wanted to make, but there was never really any huge push in development that made us think this was going to be happening 100%. At least, there wasn't any news beyond his pledge to make it after Red State. He just didn't get around to developing it. The Last Word?: As of last July, in line with his plans to retire after Hit Somebody (which may be pushed until after Clerks III), Kevin Smith said that Ranger Danger might happen...just not as a film. With Comic Book Men and Hit Somebody getting his foot into the Television door, it looks like Smith won't be retiring from filmed storytelling entirely, just theatrical films. There's still hope for a cartoon, if his word is any indication. If You Really Want To See It...: ...Watch The Rocketeer, or any other serial inspired film with a jetpack toting hero.
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Mike Reyes may or may not be a Time Lord, but he's definitely the Doctor Who editor here at What Culture. In addition to his work at What Culture, Mr. Reyes writes for Cocktails and Movies, as well as his own personal blogs Mr. Controversy and The Bookish Kind. On top of that, he's also got a couple Short Stories and Novels in various states of completion, like any good writer worth their salt. He resides in New Jersey, and compiles his work from all publications on his Facebook page.