10. Sucker Punch
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzfwDkwUGnM When a new Zack Snyder film is on the horizon Kermode is always keen to take the opportunity and air one of his most infamous impressions: a hilarious, yappy, high pitched take on the director's name. In the case of 2011's Sucker Punch, Kermode argues that the film contains 'unspeakably stupid sexual politics' instead of any actual depth. But of course, to understand that 'you have to get involved enough to get cross about it'. As we all know, Kermode is not one to get cross. After accusing Snyder of giving 300 and Watchmen more scantily-clad women than actual plot or substance, Kermode labels the director as 'one of the worst storytellers in the world' and 'the living embodiment of a person that cannot see beyond the surface of anything whatsoever.' As the list of criticisms gets longer, each gets punctuated by Mark's famously flappy hands: 'boring, ploddingly put together, infantile, crass, adolescent, stupid, chauvinistic twaddle.'
Terry Hearn
I have one golden rule: There is no such thing as a guilty pleasure. Any song or film that makes you feel good doesn't need justifying.
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