10 Hilarious Movie Gags Everyone Missed

7. The Token Black Guy's Hair Changes Throughout The Movie...And Nobody Notices - Not Another Teen Movie

Not Another Teen Movie
Columbia Pictures

Not Another Teen Movie might be the most criminally underappreciated parody movie of all time. Despite its seemingly low-effort title, it's a surprisingly smart and hilarious film, and above all else introduced the world to Chris Evans in a major way.

One of the film's funniest gags involves the recurring presence of Malik Token (Deon Richmond), better known as "The Token Black Guy."

His character is a takedown of low-effort "inclusivity" in teen movies, whereby a black or minority character is featured in either a minimal or demeaning way - or both - under the cynical guise of attracting more diverse audiences.

This is exemplified by Token Black Guy generally being relegated to saying stereotypical things like, "That is wack!", while his more insightful comments are largely ignored by the film's other characters.

While most of these jokes announce themselves pretty blatantly to the audience, there's a more subtle - yet no less hysterical - one hiding in plain sight.

Token Black Guy's hair changes numerous times throughout the movie, and in addition to no characters commenting upon it, the audience too is unlikely to notice.

It's a brilliantly meta commentary on how inconsequentially both characters and audiences view these tokenised characters,


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.