10 Hilarious Movie Gags Everyone Missed

6. Lightning McQueen Gets "Flashed" By Two Fans - Cars

Cars Mia Tia

Though Pixar is no stranger to including adult-skewing content in their movies, only the most keen-eyed of viewers would've ever noticed this eyebrow-raisingly risque gag in Cars.

In an early scene, Lightning McQueen (Owen Wilson) is approached by twin cars Mia and Tia, who giddily profess to be Lightning's biggest fans, before flashing their headlights at him.

The hasty implication is that the twins are groupies who are "flashing" Lightning - get it? Though the gag lasts all of about three seconds, Lightning's mesmerised facial expression and quip - "I love being me" - confirm this to be an outrageously unexpected sex joke in a children's film.

Hell, there are even entire NSFW think-pieces written on the further sordid implications of the scene.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.