10 Hilarious Movies Nobody Expected To Laugh At

1. The Room (2003)

Battlefield Earth
TPW Films

There really is no other title worthy of the top spot on this list. Tommy Wiseau’s 2003 disasterpiece The Room will likely live on in infamy for generations. Just how this movie came to be is a story so interesting in itself that it inspired James Franco to direct and star in 2017’s The Disaster Artist.

Just where Wiseau got the money to make The Room, what his vision was, what inspired him to act and direct, and even just which country he was from are all a complete mystery.

Every single shot in this movie could earn it a spot on this list by itself. There’s the belly-button riding sex scene in the opening act, the fact that there are unexplained spoons everywhere, the sub-plots of drug dealers and mothers with cancer that go nowhere, that infamous rooftop scene; the list goes on.

It should be noted, however, that to this day The Room is estimated to make somewhere between one and two million dollars each year as a result of its cult status. It still fills theatres globally sixteen years after its release. Tommy Wiseau may not have gotten the Oscar he expected, but my God, did he make bank


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