10 Hilarious Movies Nobody Expected To Laugh At

5. Battlefield Earth (2000)

Battlefield Earth
Warner Bros.

‘Better than Star Wars’ is not a statement which should be made lightly; at least not in reference to the original trilogy. However, everyone’s favourite Scientologist, barring Tom Cruise of course, made this very claim when he pitched 2000’s Battlefield earth. John Travolta reportedly stated that his sci-fi magnum opus would be, “Like Star Wars, only better.”

The first part of Travolta’s statement could technically be considered true. Battlefield Earth is like Star Wars in the sense that its entire concept is based around rebels teaming up, learning aerial combat, and taking to the skies to battle an evil, imperial force.

Better? Not so much.

This movie is a pretentious, convoluted mess of bad acting, poor world building, horrendous pacing and a story which has stolen its climactic points straight from a film it claims to be better than. It took ten years to make, released twenty-three years after the original Star Wars and fails to even hold a candle to it.

So why is this movie on this list? Why is it funny? It’s a well-known fact that Travolta’s over-acting in serious roles can always warrant a chuckle. Now imagine him acting in such a fashion whilst dressed as an alien.


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