10 Hilariously Awful Performances In Great Films

7. Quentin Tarantino - Django Unchained

Let's face it - if you write and direct your own movies you can probably get away with giving yourself a small role in it regardless of whether or not you have any acting abilities. Alfred Hitchcock had the good sense to limit these to small and unobtrusive walk-on roles rarely with dialogue - in a sense these were the movie easter eggs of yesteryear. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for Quentin Tarantino, who has managed to spoil more than a couple of scenes over the years by giving himself roles to play. Perhaps the most baffling example of this lies in Django Unchained where he turns up as a LeQuint Dickey Mining Co. employee - quite what accent it is he's trying to pull off is anyone's guess, but at least his screen time is over with a bang soon enough. It doesn't matter how great a director you are, Mr. Tarantino - you belong strictly behind the camera.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.