10 Hilariously Obvious Stand-Ins Who Ruined Their Scenes

4. April Booth - Machete

Obvious Extra
20th Century Fox

Starlet Lindsay Lohan has never been a stranger to risqué behaviour both on and offscreen, and in the last decade or so it has become harder and harder to believe that the Mean Girls actress and tabloid staple was ever known more for acting chops than real life antics.

Despite this, there was a time when the sight of Lohan’s name on a cast list prompted interest rather than groans of dismissal. When Robert Rodriguez helmed his 2010 Grindhouse spin-off film Machete, he stuffed the cast with unlikely cameos ranging from Steven Seagal to Miami Vice stalwart Don Johnson.

High among the list of names appearing in the Danny Trejo-starring action thriller was Lohan, who played a gun-wielding nun in the film. Which may be about the most Robert Rodriguez role imaginable for any actor, regardless which of his films they’re in.

However, when it came time for Lohan to bare all during one of the film’s numerous nude scenes, the actor opted to utilise the services of a body double. Nothing wrong with that decision—provided the casting department can find someone who looks at least a little like the actor they’re replacing.

Unfortunately, Lohan’s looks proved as one of a kind as her career success implied, and the body double looked nothing like her. The effect was disastrous enough to derail even a flick as intentionally campy as Machete.


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.