10 Hilariously Obvious Stand-Ins Who Ruined Their Scenes

3. Lara Croft - Tomb Raider 2

Obvious Extra
Paramount Pictures

Okay so admittedly this one is more understandable than say, sloppy stand-ins featuring in a rom com, but the effect it has on the film really isn’t ameliorated by that fact. When Angelina Jolie signed on to play iconic Playstation heroine Lara Croft, she no doubt knew the role would require all manner of acrobatics.

Luckily, most action hero roles come complete with a stunt double for any risky manoeuvres, much like steamier roles have a body double guaranteed for trepidatious stars. After all, no one wants to risk the life and limbs of a superstar like Jolie when there are plenty of perfectly suitable stunt performers to stand in for her.

And by all means, hiring any of those suitable stunt women would have worked out great. What didn’t go over quite so well was the production’s inexplicable decision to hire a man to stand in for Jolie during the motorcycle chase scene, resulting in a sequence more laughable than intense or suspenseful.

While Jolie may still struggle to find a perfect match for her famously striking appearance, her later forays into the action genre such as 2010’s thriller Salt at least saw her paired with a stand-in of the correct gender.


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