10 Hilariously One Sided Hollywood Sibling Rivalries

3. Alec Baldwin Vs Any Baldwin Brother Who Isn't Alec

It's fair to say that Alec Baldwin is easily the best known of the Baldwin dynasty, working consistently in both supporting and starring roles over the years in TV and film, earning a whopping 11 Golden Globe nominations, 7 of which were for his role as Jack Donaghy in Tina Fey's 30 Rock, which helped to revitalise his career in recent years. In 2004 he also earned an Academy Award nomination for The Cooler. The years has been very kind to Alec indeed, and just over the last decade he has worked with Woody Allen (twice), Robert De Niro and Martin Scorsese (twice) on projects. Brother Daniel Baldwin showed early promise with his work on Homicide: Life on the Street, but hasn't starred in a theatrically released film in years, while William has played intermittently on TV over the years but never made a huge impact, and finally Stephen has tended towards TV movies and straight to video releases for the last decade. To say that Alec is the envy of the family is an understatement...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.