10 Hilariously Terrible Translations Of Famous Movie Titles

9. Silver Linings Playbook Is Called "My Boyfriend Is A Psycho" In Russia

Fox Searchlight
Fox Searchlight

David O. Russell's comedy drama is an unusually honest depiction of mental illness, how to live with one, and how to live with those that do. In Hollywood, mental illness is usually a stigma, whether negative (innumerable psychologically damaged serial killers) or positive (detectives with autistic superpowers) but Silver Linings Playbook sought to provide a different, refreshing perspective.

In Russia, they ignored the nuance of the movie and instead went straight to the old "mental illness = psychopath" by straight up calling it "My Boyfriend Is A Psycho". Not only is it a misleading title, it makes an Oscar winning movie sound like a Lifetime made-for-TV special about domestic abuse.

It's understandable that a title as unusual as Silver Linings Playbook will be tough to translate, but they could have done better than that, surely?


David is an office drone and freelance writer for WhatCulture and Moviepilot, among others. He's also foolishly writing a serialised novel on Jukepop and has his own irregularly updated website. He's available for freelance work. Reach out on Twitter to @davefox990