10 Hit Movies That Somehow Never Got A Sequel

2. Mrs. Doubtfire

Con Air Cyrus The Virus
20th Century Fox

A staple of Sunday afternoon television schedules everywhere and a nostalgic favorite for many, it can be easy to forget that Mrs. Doubtfire was a bona-fide blockbuster when it was first released in 1993 and was the second-biggest hit of 1993 behind what was then the highest-grossing movie of all time, Jurassic Park.

With a $443.1m total at the box office, a Golden Globe for Best Musical/Comedy, the director of Home Alone behind the camera and Robin Williams having won a Golden Globe himself for his performance, all the ingredients were there for a sequel. While numerous attempts were made over the years, it just never came to fruition.

Williams was asked constantly about the status of a potential follow-up and his answer was always the same; nobody seemed able to crack the story and write a worthwhile script. However, it was announced in April 2014 that a sequel was in active development just four months before the actor's tragic passing.

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