10 Hollywood Badasses Who Could Stop A British Zombie Outbreak

9. Bruce Willis

Kurt Russell 28 Days
20th Century Fox

From wisecracking detectives to comic book noir, not only has Bruce Willis done it all, he came back for the sequels. He’s done so many action movies, in fact,  that bombs cannot harm him – how many other careers could have survived Color Of Night?

Given his output, it’s no surprise that he’s already played an Army guy who fought zombies. The difference is that in Planet Terror, he was partly responsible for their creation. Exposed to an experimental bio-weapon, Bruce kept himself and his men from going full zombie by giving themselves regimented doses of the compound, which of course got loose and wreaked havoc.

There’s no such villain in Nation Of The Dead, and Kyle “The Cobra” Cobretti is best described as “uncomplicated” – he goes in, he finds the President, he gets out. Mows down an army of zombies with a zinger or two. You know the drill. 


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'