10 Hollywood Badasses Who Could Stop A British Zombie Outbreak

8. Jason Statham

Kurt Russell 28 Days

In his early films, Jason Statham was usually part of an ensemble of badasses, but he always seemed destined for bigger things than Mean Machine or Ghosts Of Mars. After debuting as a leading man with The Transporter, he became one of the go-to guys for action movies whose style was matched by the outrageousness of the gags – who else could escape a head-on collision between two cars by doing the splits?

As outrageous as many of his films were, he also found a niche in “quiet” dramas like Hummingbird and Wild Card, which allowed him to show his acting range as well as his muscles. If you’ve ever doubted his abilities as a thespian, his performance as a homeless ex-special forces soldier in Hummingbird will change your mind.

If Statham played the lead in Nation Of The Dead, his superiors would have a perfectly credible motivation for sending him to the UK – he was born there (in Derbyshire, which makes you wonder about that accent). This would add a new dimension to the character, who instead of a soldier performing his duty becomes a man lamenting his country’s decline.  


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'