10 Horrendously Cringeworthy Marvel Cinematic Universe Comedy Scenes

1. "I Wouldn't Go In There For Twenty Minutes!" (Iron Man 3)

When Tony Stark infiltrated the terrorist headquarters of the the supposed Mandarin, he entered the villain€™s bedroom. He uncovered the bedsheets, only to find two women, then motioned them to be silent before sneaking behind the bed when he heard the toilet flush. "The Mandarin" then exited the bathroom. Instead of seeing a formidable villain who we should all have feared, we got a bumbling idiot who proceeded to say "I wouldn't go in there for twenty minutes!" This was completely cringeworthy because it felt totally out of place. It came from the man who audiences had expected to be intimidating and powerful Mandarin and it wasn€™t the type of uncouth humour we expect from the relativelysuave Iron Man franchise. It was the moment of the big reveal that the Mandarin was nothing more than a drunken, washed-up actor and the toilet humour involved was just cheap and unnecessary. Really, the less we see of this kind of thing in future Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, the better. So there you have it - ten horrendously cringeworthy comedy scenes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Did you enjoy this article? Do you agree with the entries on this list? Which other comedy scenes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe made you cringe? Let us know in the comments section below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.