10 Horrendously Cringeworthy Marvel Cinematic Universe Comedy Scenes

2. "Mew-Mew!" (Thor: The Dark World)

In the first Thor movie, when Thor first made reference to his powerful Asgardian warhammer Mjolnir, Kat Dennings' Darcy Lewis responded by saying "mew mew, what's mew mew?" First time round, it was quite cute and raised a laugh - a basic mispronunciation joke that emphasised how foreign the concept of the weapon was to mere Earthlings. However, when Marvel Studios opted to use the joke again in Thor: The Dark World, it was just a little bit cringeworthy. During the Convergence scenes when people were being teleported randomly all over the place, the characters presented surprisingly said each other's names when they appeared in front of each other out of the blue and then Mjolnir zoomed past on its way back to Thor. The dialogue went like this: "Darcy?" "Jane!" "Ian?" "Selvig".... "Mew mew!" It was awful.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.