10 Horrendously Cringeworthy Marvel Cinematic Universe Comedy Scenes

8. Naked Selvig (Thor: The Dark World)

After the events that occurred in the Avengers movie, in which the character was mind-controlled by the Asgardian villain Loki, it was revealed in Thor: The Dark World that the experience had left quite the impression on Erik Selvig's brain - he had essentially gone stark raving mad. Having based himself in England to conduct his research, Selvig found himself getting arrested at Stonehenge, having stripped completely nude and apparently harassed innocent bystanders with his laboratory equipment, claiming in doing so that he was trying to save them. After being placed in a mental institution for his and the public's safety, Selvig continued to explain his theories about the Convergence to his fellow patients. His associate Darcy Lewis spotted him on the news running around as naked as the day he was bron, and she and her intern Ian Boothby discharged him. Unfortunately, the image of him running around starkers on national television will never, ever leave us and he€™ll never, ever live it down. Funny? Maybe at first. But now it just makes us cringe and, sadly, he's apparently going to do the same thing in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.