10 Horrendously Cringeworthy Marvel Cinematic Universe Comedy Scenes

7. Thor Gets Sedated (Thor)

When Thor first arrived on Earth in his first titular movie, he was run over by Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis and Erik Selvig in the middle of the New Mexico desert and then Tasered by Lewis when she believed his strange behaviour made him a threat. Having been stripped of his powers - and despite clearly still being very robust - this experience left Thor in need of hospital attention and, when he came round in said hospital, he wasn't happy. He tried to escape, throwing doctors left, right and centre around his hospital room and, just when he was about to proclaim that he was "the Mighty Thor", he was injected with a sedative and collapsed with a whimper - his squashed face sliding down a glass panel on a door. While it might initially have raised a laugh or two, the more you actually watch it, the more cartoony and out of place it feels and you end up just cringing at it.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.