10 Horrific Wilderness Horror Movies Based On True Events

6. Borderland (2007)

The Widow (2020)
After Dark Films/Lionsgate

Thanks to gory horror like Hostel and The Ruins, holidaymakers have reasons to think twice about booking their dream getaway. One film that does exactly that is Zev Berman’s Borderland.

Like most films of its kind, Borderland sees a group of college students set out on a trip for what should be the time of their lives. This time, the friends want to travel to the Mexican border for a week of sex and drugs. But when walking back from a carnival, one of them is abducted by a drug cartel to be used as a human sacrifice. While the victim’s friends join forces with a local police officer to rescue him, the student is left to endure grisly torture from his kidnappers.

As outlandish as the premise sounds, the events in Borderlands are inspired by the kidnaping of American college student Mark Kilroy in 1989 by notorious serial killer and cult leader Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo.

Constanzo would torture and kill his victims at a remote ranch in the Mexican desert, believing his black magic would make the drug smugglers invisible. Ironically, it was a cultist who believed he was invisible that led authorities straight to the ranch.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.