10 Horrific Wilderness Horror Movies Based On True Events

5. The Widow (2020)

The Widow (2020)
Central Partnership/Scream Factory

In 1999, The Blair Witch Project succeeded in making an entire generation scared of going into the woods. The three students’ ordeal in Black Hills Forest is one of the most effective examples of the found footage genre. But, despite everything about the marketing telling us otherwise, this film was a complete work of fiction.

Russian horror The Widow (helmed by Ivan Minin) likewise takes audiences deep within the heart of a spooky forest (in this case near St Petersburg) as we follow a group of volunteer rescuers searching for a missing boy. Unfortunately for them, however, this forest is also said to be the home of a malevolent witch. And when their search leads them to finding a woman lying naked in the wilderness, all hell breaks loose in this atmospheric horror.

The film claims to be based on the eerie tale of volunteer rescuers who disappeared in 2017. While it’s doubtful they really did fall prey to a witch, people have been reported to have gone missing in this area over the last 30 years. Most of these people are said to have vanished without a trace, and the few that were found have all been naked.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.