10 Horrifically Unnecessary Movie Sequels That Nobody Wanted

2. S. Darko (2009)

2brianasdarko033009S. Darko is the kind of straight-to-DVD, piece of sequel that doesn't even try to acknowledge that its predecessor is actually something that people like. The only human beings capable of liking S. Darko are the ones that are still into Donnie Darko right this second with about as passion as they did when it came out. You know the types. Weird obsessives. Crazies. Those who like to claim it's based on a true story or something. And I think it's those guys who this thing was ultimately aimed towards, because there's seriously no justification for it to exist otherwise. Based around a bizarre, nonsense story about Donnie's little sister, Sam (Daveigh Chase reprising her role from the original movie, poor thing) as she succumbs to a series of visions and... ah, it doesn't matter. The movie's just pretending to have something to do with Donnie Darko, which should be obvious if you've seen the original flick, given that it makes no sense as to why any sort of follow-up could ever happen. Point is, this is junk of the junkiest order. Use it as a coaster or set it on fire in your garden when you're drunk. Just don't watch it.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.