10 Horrifically Unnecessary Movie Sequels That Nobody Wanted

1. Son of the Mask (2005)

CCCCC1GSon of the Mask could have only existed by way of a dying child's last wish and a foundation that specialises in making those wishes come true: "I haven't got long to go... my favourite movie is The Mask with Jim Carrey... make it happen, Hollywood." What did Hollywood come back with, then? "Well, we can't get Jim Carrey, Katie, because he's too darn expensive, but we do have somebody else in mind... do you know who Alan Cumming is?" Alas, Katie did not (she passed away the moment she Googled him). Anyway, I hope that embellished little tale served its purpose, which was to question how or why The Mask got a sequel at a time when nobody was talking about The Mask anymore, and during a period where nobody thought there should ever be a sequel. I mean, this sequel came 11 years after the original, starred none of the original cast (except for that weird doctor guy for, like, a minute), and hinged on a plot that had absolutely nothing with its predecessor. It's a fully-fledged abomination in every sense. Proof that nobody asked for it? It lost $20 million at the box office. Like this article? Let us know in the comments section below.
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