10 Horrifying Details You Missed In Recent Horror Movies

8. Amber's Bruised Collarbone Confirms She's The Killer Early - Scream (2022)

Halloween Kills Halloween Ends

The Scream movies are always packed with subtle hints which allow switched-on viewers to figure out who the killer(s) are, and the recent fifth film is no different.

After Tara (Jenna Ortega) survives an attack at the hands of Ghostface in the film's opening scene, her friends and her sister Sam (Melissa Barrera) visit her at the hospital.

One of these friends is Tara's best pal Amber (Mikey Madison), who some fans noticed bears a bruise-like mark on her collarbone during the scene, and deduced early that she was likely the killer - or, as it turns out, one of two killers.

After all, Tara puts up a solid fight against Ghostface in that opening scene, slamming a door on them and kicking them in the chest, so it absolutely tracks that they'd have a visible bruise on this area of their body.

Upon the film's release, many fans remarked that this immediately clued them into the identity of one of the Ghostfaces, even if they perhaps didn't know she'd be joined by a teammate, Richie (Jack Quaid).

While it's entirely possible this was merely a coincidental bruise on Mikey Madison or even a skin blotch or birthmark, it nevertheless cast suspicion upon her immediately for a lot of viewers.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.