10 Horrifying Movie Deaths That Happen Off Screen

6. Suitcase - Dead Man's Shoes

Georgie It
Warp Films

Shane Meadows's intense psychological thriller Dead Man's Shoes doesn't skimp on the overwhelming atmosphere of grotty English towns and violent deaths, but there's one that stands out as being extra traumatising for its completely left-field horror. Where central vengeful murderer Richard kills with obvious intent throughout the rest of the movie, it's the death of Tuff that is a marked change from his usual modus operandi - and we have no idea quite how far that deviation goes.

Said Tuff runs away from Richard hunting down his gang earlier in the movie, who is on a quest to deliver revenge on those that pushed his brother to suicide, before turning up again very much dead and packed into a suitcase with a look of unadulterated terror plastered all over his face. Contorted, broken, and appearing as a complete surprise, we've no idea if Tuff was dead or alive before being broken down into manageable luggage and wheeled into the middle of someone's living room.

By the look on the face, we don't want any idea either.

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