10 Horrifying Movie Deaths That Happen Off Screen

5. Spunkmeyer And Ferro - Aliens

Georgie It
20th Century Fox

When you're in the world of Aliens, if there's anything you don't want to see, it's a giant slimy extraterrestrial leaving its goo all over your space ship. Especially when its eight foot tall, armed with acid blood and a double jaw, and definitely isn't friendly. But that's exactly what happens when Private Spunkmeyer jumps aboard the dropship on its way to pick up the rest of his unit, attempting to warn Corporal Ferro before she takes off only to mysteriously vanish as they get into the air.

Of course, mysteriously vanish is code for gets torn to shreds by the ginormous deadly space monster, and Ferro succumbs to the same fate as her blood splashes across the console. The ship crashes, everything explodes, and any hope of escaping a colony packed with similar alien baddies who will eviscerate the marines in ways we can only imagine is gone with it.

It's a rough way to go, but at least they really made an impact. Pun entirely intended.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.