10 Horror Characters Who Wished They Were Dead

2. Kana - Hostel (2005)

The Human Centipede First Sequence Lindsay

In the colourful landscape known as the horror genre, no characters have as worse a time than those in torture movies. Their only purpose is to endure extreme pain and suffering for as long as possible, so if there are characters who’d pray for a speedy death it would be these unfortunate souls.

One such victim is the innocent Kana (Jennifer Lim), a Japanese tourist who finds herself at the mercy of a sadistic society that tortures tourists in Eli Roth's Hostel. When we first meet Kana, she’s asking the protagonist American tourists if they’ve seen her missing friend.

Later, Paxton (Jay Hernandez) runs into Kana while fleeing from the shadowy group. To our horror, a torturer is mutilating her face with a blowtorch. And after severing her damaged eyeball with a pair of scissors, the pair manage to escape.

Both survivors have freedom in their grasp when they reach a train station. But before they’re able to board a train, Kana glimpses her reflection. Realising the physical toll her ordeal has had on her, the tourist decides that she’d rather take her own life by jumping in front of a train than live with the crippling trauma of what happened to her.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.