10 Horror Characters You Really Wanted To Live (But Knew They Were Doomed)

5. Christine Brown - Drag Me To Hell

Scream Tatum

Sam Raimi really knows how to put his protagonists through the wringer, doesn't he?

However, nobody has it worse than Christine Brown in horror comedy Drag Me to Hell. She starts out desperate for a promotion, and even though she does come across as pretty cold and unfeeling when she denies an old woman an extension on her loan, she certainly didn't deserve any of what came next!

That elderly lady curses Christine, and pretty soon the young woman is haunted by a demonic spirit and chaos ensues. Talking goats, horrific visions, and a whole lot of soul-eating are thrown Christine's way, and the audience gets the funny feeling that this curse may actually be her demise.

There is a moment of hope, though, as Christine seemingly manages to defeat the curse through an ancient ritual.

Once that's happened, Drag Me to Hell seems set to end with our hero meeting her love interest at a train station and with a new job and new life on the horizon. But, it's revealed she bungled the ritual (Army of Darkness original ending anyone?), and suddenly the train tracks below open up into a fiery pit.

As the title of the film implies - which perhaps let us know Christine couldn't be saved before the movie even started - she's dragged down into the inferno, kicking and screaming. It was such a simple mistake and yet she paid dearly for it.

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