10 Horror Characters You Really Wanted To Live (But Knew They Were Doomed)

4. Barbara - Shaun Of The Dead

Scream Tatum
Universal Pictures

When someone gets bitten by a zombie, even when it’s a sweet mother in the mother of all zom-rom-com movies, you know they aren’t going to survive.

Unfortunately, this is exactly what happens to Barbara in Shaun of the Dead.

During a scuffle with one of the shambling undead, hero Shaun’s (Simon Pegg) mum Barbara (Penelope Winton) is chomped on by a zombie. She does her best to hide it, not wanting to be a bother to the team of survivors, yet Barb's undying politeness can’t save her, with the group finally catching on to what the viewer had already learned: there is no saving her.

What makes it just that much worse, is that Shaun has to kill his own mum, and we are just as distraught as our hero when he pulls the trigger on her.

David we could have quite happily lost – which would come only moments later – but Barbara? The sweetest woman and possibly the only nice mum in any horror movie ever?? Go and sit on the naughty step, Edgar Wright, and think about what you’ve done.

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Tilly Owen hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.